Coo (New)
Made to order only, contact us for more information.
The Story
A design inspired by the common urban pigeon.
‘Often downtrodden and little respected this humble bird can be seen around the city on the building ledges and rooftops, flying around the squares and open places, scavenging, defecating and surviving.
The leg design of the birds — a chicken bone cast — is inspired by observing city pigeons eating fried chicken out of a fast food box.
As for the pigeon droppings, the Golden Coo Pu, this may not reflect our favourite pigeon trait but it's good luck if one lands on you! So the droppings are inspired by two themes: first, the elevation via this golden gift of the bird itself from its often vilified status, and of course the theme of good luck, in the form of a little piece of gold.
The beak design also reflects the pigeon's urban environment, this form is not unlike a party hat, a metaphor for the city weekend party lifestyle, and a night out on the town.
Coo bird is a celebration of our cities, representing two sides of them: sometimes run down but sometimes glorious, a pest but also of a creature of value. They are a story of finding beauty and humour in the everyday, in the forgotten, in our common humble pigeon and its good-luck golden droppings.’
Our new COO in Concrete. Handmade by May Wild Studio. The finishes inspired by the urban environment the city pigeon inhabits, Concrete and Tarmac.
Each Coo bird comes with beak and Golden Coo Pu.
Contact for more information.
Coo Story Scroll
The Coo Story is integral to the design, we have created the Coo story scroll, sealed in two pigeon clips. Unravel the paper scroll to reveal the narrative behind the creation of this art object.
Coo are individually handmade in the studio by Rebecca and Michael of May Wild Studio.
Coo is a cast and hand sculptured Jesmonite object, each surface of Tarmac and Concrete created by May Wild Studio, a technique involving much research, experimentation and innovation in hand- making methods.
Coo to go!
Coo are packaged in their own Coo carrier, a minimal cardboard bird box design filled with paper padding, all recyclable, Coo to go!